
Gratitude For Your Health
Gratitude has the power to heal and to improve physical health. It can make people happier, improve relationships, lessen depression, and even decrease pain.

Caring for Aging Skin
Our skin is the main thing other people see and is the first thing that most people are concerned about displaying signs of aging.

Music as Therapy for Seniors
We all know the feelings and memories that different songs evoke –Our loved ones have these same memories tucked away, too.

Health Advocates: Helping Seniors Get the Care they Need
Your loved one depends on someone to help keep the big picture straight, and Prime Horizon is here to help you.

Tips for Communicating with Seniors
Seniors crave social connection as much as the rest of us. Unfortunately, sometimes they are less able to verbalize their feelings.

Seniors and Pet Therapy
Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them, filling an emptiness we don’t even know we have.

Reducing Cholesterol in Aging Adults
Seniors with high cholesterol should avoid certain ingredients to protect their heart health.

Heart Health for Seniors
Since heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US, especially among seniors. Caregivers facts to know.

Supporting Seniors’ Nutritional Health
Many seniors face inadequate nutrition. The effects of being undernourished or malnourished can be dangerous...