The Prime Horizon Resources forum and support page provides caregiving articles, advice and tips on elder care, caring for a parent,
a spouse, an aging adult, and other senior health issues.

Travelling seniors

Dementia and Low Stress Travel

Travel can be stressful for your family member with dementia. However, you can set it up so that it is easier for everyone.
Holiday memories for seniors

Rekindling Holiday Traditions (& Memories)

Which holiday traditions do you remember from your youth? For an aging adult, the memories they helped create are the ones they remember in their older years.
Four seniors pkaying cards together

Game Playing for Senior Health

Playing games can give seniors a sense of purpose and a feeling of being successful at something. It can also provide time for socialization.
Senior in the produce department

Older Adults and Food Safety

Adults aged 65 and older are at a higher risk for hospitalization and death from food-borne illnesses. There are several reasons for this.
Senior lifting weights

Starting a Fitness Routine for Seniors

It's never too late to start a fitness commitment. Exercise reduces risk of cardiovascular disease, and more.
Painted rock with SMILE words

Positivity and Health

Our minds are powerful tools for creating health and wellness. Here are some tips to improve your outlook.
How to prevent kidney disease illustration

How to Reduce your Risk of Kidney Disease

Because our kidneys support so many of our body’s functions, it is important to pay attention to their health.
Caring for an Older Adult with Dementia

What You Should Know: Caring for a Senior with Dementia

Caring for someone with Dementia can provide special challenges. Follow these tips to help you when taking care of an older adult with Dementia.
Senior citizen doing yoga

Yoga for Seniors

Yoga is a great form of exercise for seniors. Many yoga postures can increase flexibility, mobility, strength, and balance.
Rows of bare feet

Keeping Feet Healthy

Did you know that by age 50 the average adult has walked 75,000 miles? The most important solution is daily foot care.